Friday, September 28, 2012

One Last Post from Cinque Terre

Hi All,

It's been a quieter day in Cinque Terre: Frank's been horribly sick with either food poisoning or stomach bug. He's been in bed since about 8 pm last night (22 hours ago) and just ate his first food since then, a boiled egg and a banana. It was a little worriseome because he had such extreme chills/shaking and a fever, on top of  other symptoms that will go unnamed.

I stayed pretty closeby, but I did take the train 3 towns over, to Vernazza. Castle ruins, azure sea, striated cliffs, a maze of steps and alleys, sherbet-coloured know, ho hum. Sadly, I have no photos to post as the camera was void of the memory card :  (

In the late afternoon after returning from Vernazza, with Frank cheering me on from the windows of our room, I swam in the Ligurian Sea, which was warm and clear. The rocks were trickyto navigate getting in and out, but I watched the other swimmers for a while and worked up my courage, and it was worth it.

So: tomorrow, we are off on the train to Pisa to pick up a car and tour around Tuscany for four days. Keep your fingers crossed that Frank's energy returns overnight!

Wendy XO


  1. There is nothing worse than getting sick away from home. Here's hoping that Frank will bounce right back and you can resume your fabulous adventure. I have enjoyed reading your blogs as you are such an eloquent writer (you too Frank!!) and glad to hear that,though Frank was down and out, you were able to get out and explore on your own. If we can all get together next year, you must bring your photos with you as I am sure that you will have taken plenty.


  2. Hi Frank and Wendy- Dawn here. Thinking about you and hope that Frank you feel better soon. Love and hugs.
